Getting all Photographical
12:16Ooops! Look who had a birthday.
19 years old!? Yeesh how did that happen?!
Anyway so I wanted to do a blog post about my new favorite thing at the moment. My lovely boyfriend got me a camera for my 19th and I honestly can't put it down.
* Thank you Frankie :) *
The camera is the Fujifilm instax mini 90 Neo Classic (Bit of a mouthful I know!)
And it looks a little something like this ... *Squee*
I absolutely love the retro design of this camera and from the few snaps i've taken with it the photo quality is amazing, especially for an instant print camera!
I haven't had a chance to try out all of the different modes and exciting buttons on the back yet, but I have found the brightness control options and 'party mode' are incredibly helpful if you're shooting somewhere with low light conditions... which is pretty much everywhere in the wintry months!
I can't wait to push some more buttons and find out what they all do! - Maybe I will do a blog post about which one does what? ... As soon as I figure it out myself!
So here are a few snaps that i've taken so far. I would like to thank my dog, Blue. For being such a good test subject... Enjoy! Hopefully lots more to follow :)
Love from
One very baffled little blogger x
P.S. I'd love to hear any tips anyone has for these Camera's? It's definitely very different to my old Polaroid camera so any advice will be much appreciated :)