Making a Difference


'Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day' - Unknown 

I suppose you just have to find that good in each day, and then even the bad ones won't seem so bad :) 

Now i'm not saying you're going to see a cute little duck splashing about having a great time in the puddles every day, but little things that make you smile all add up to something eventually. Right? Right. 

One of my favourite blogs / twitter feeds is all done by The Random Acts Of Kindness Foundation. They always have the loveliest ideas about how to make somebodies day just a little bit brighter. I love the concept, and I know i'm not the only one... So why not give it a go? 

1. Call that person you always said you will 'keep in touch with' even if you haven't spoken in ages! 

2. If you see someone you go to work or school with having a bad day, just bring them a cup of tea or hot chocolate (Even better!) ... Don't ask. Just do! (even if they don't like tea... a warm cup is a lovely hand warmer if it's chilly outside!)

3. Let that person in your lane when you are driving, they might be in just as much of a rush as you are!

4. Smile at a stranger ... Not in a creepy way, in a just because way. (smiles are contagious... Spread it around!) 

5. Each time you get a new piece of clothing, donate an old one to charity. Same goes for anything you can think of 
(Bed sheets, Blankets, Cups, Plates, toys ... You get the idea)

6. Put sticky notes with positive slogans or smiley faces on the mirrors in public restrooms.
 (I love this one) 

7.  Leave lovely comments on blogs, Twitter, Facebook or any social media you're into 

8. Do the job nobody wants to do. (Perhaps clean that part of the house/office that everybody has been putting off)

9. Bake some cakes or cookies to share with you friends/family/colleagues (Everybody loves cake)

10. Call somebody you love and thank them for being so lovely 

It's nothing much... But maybe we can just do what we can with what we have. 

Love from 

One very baffled little blogger x  

(Not all images are mine) 

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