The Weekend We Ran Away to Paris


Oh wow, two blog posts in one day? Is this ok? Am I breaking some kind of blogging law that I don't know about? 

Meh, i'm just going to go with it anyway. 

I'm still kind of in shock that this actually happened, it was one of the loveliest weekends probably ever and I still get butterflies in my tummy whenever I think about it.

Last weekend my boyfriend and I went on a pretty spontaneous trip to Paris to stay on his families boat. (Luckiest... Girl... in the world *squeee*)

Everyone says that Paris is one of the most romantic cities in the world right? and as much as I dislike sticky lovey dovey gooey things I can't really disagree? My face hurt for days after coming home just from smiling so much the entire weekend.
I loved the feeling of being lost, but that being lost was ok and just forgetting about 'real life' things for a while... 

That feeling didn't last very long... but I loved it while it lasted.

Finally a photo of me and my partner in crime, also known as that Frankie guy.

I do love him. I can't wait for our next adventure. 

Love from

One very confused little blogger x 

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