30 Day Yoga Challenge - Week 2


Anyone else tired of miserable January weather yet? 

Eyyyyyy, Look who survived week 2 of the 30 Day Yoga Challenge (Just!) 

I have discovered that when it comes to any kind of 'balancing pose' ... I Suck. Pretty much. 
There have definitely been a few face planting occasions... ooops. (Why don't they make yoga mats more padded dammit!)

So far I think Day 13 has been my favourite. I am obsessed with any lower back/pelvis stretch. I think this is where having a job where i'm sat at my desk almost all day really takes it's toll. 

As far as content goes there is definitely something new to learn every day, despite these sessions being so short Erin definitely crams a lot in to them... A few times I have even gone through the video twice just because I felt it was over too quickly! I guess one of the biggest positives of this all being online, is you can pause, replay and rewind as many times as you need (You don't often get this benefit attending a regular yoga class!) 

I've had a sneak peak and seen a few clips of what's to come in the next few days of the challenge... Doing the splits.. and headstands!?! .... WHAT!? - This is where I die guys. 

Wish me luck! 

A Baffled Little Blogger x

P.S. What's you favourite Yoga Pose? - I'd love to know :)
I think mine is a Cobra then going into a Down Dog *mmmmm stretchy* 

Namaste Guys!

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